12:52 am - The Intern and early morning thoughts.

Long time no see, I know.

It's been a...stressful couple months. Life isn't going the way I would like it to, but then again when is it ever. I have been unemployed now for about two months, unfortunately going on three but enough about that. 

I'm sitting here with a wave of inspiration thanks to the movie, The Intern. For those of you who haven't heard of it, its stars Robert DiNero and Anna Hathaway (one of my favorite actresses). In my opinion it is a very good movie, really inspirational - which is why I am here now and updating my blog. 

For months now I've realized that the light in my creative mind is going out and that my passionate soul doesn't vibrate as it once it did but instead threatens to completely give out. Not feeling quite the way I did before: not in life or in myself. The way I've been handling as of late...well they haven't been the best. Before I was slowly, at glacier pace even, molding myself into someone I wanted to be, someone who was happy but I have lost my way. 

In not having a job I have realized that there are a lot of things I want, but I don't apply myself and its not for lack of brains. I've come to realize I just fear failure, but in not doing anything I am failing. A 9-5 job that pays the bills isn't what I want for my life. I want to live, I wan't to inspire but most of all I want to be happy with what I do in life. Consistency, unfortunately isn't something I am good with - not unless you count being a lazy fuck.  

So as result I am making of list of things I want to start and stick to. 

There in no particular order but here we go: 

  1. I want to update this blog as much as possible and hopefully gain some success on it. 
  2. Write a book. I actually already started that process, but of course I need to dedicate time to it.
  3. Get a job, one to pay the bills for now but not settle with it of course.
  4. Work on being a better me. 
  5. I want to read more! 
  7. Perfect, or at least better my photography skills. 
  8. Be more patient. 
  9. T R A V E L.
  10. Fall in love with myself and my life. 
  11. Loosing all this weight! 
Wish me luck & I'll be seeing you soon with updates. 

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