Time & Time A G A I N


 My name is Jessica, I am a 27-year-old woman with more goals, aspirations than one person can handle. I am also woman who constantly doubts herself, a person who is so doubtful of herself that I use laziness as my perfect excuse to not go after my full life's potential. My thought is 'you can't be disappointed if you don't try'. Pretty sad right? Yeah, I think so too.

Recently someone described me as a maverick; something I have never in my life been called. The word maverick is pretty extraordinary, a word I didn't really understand until recently. I had only every really heard the word in a movie title, then it just didn't seem important enough to look up.

If you google the word maverick this is the definition.
Maverick: an unorthodox or independent-minded person.

I AM BOTH OF THOSE THINGS. I am free spirit, have zero fuck's to give about convention or propriety. In all honesty I really do believe myself a trailblazer. I have the potential to be even more than the things I dream of being. The capacity to be so much more than things I could think of is there, it's in me. It's in everyone. 

Anyone who truly knows me believes more in me and my potential than I do. Which is incredibly insane if you really think about it. It's not insane that they see me in such a light, its insane that I, the person they are talking about, doesn't always see it or sees it but doesn't try harder. There are many things in my life I have always wanted to try or have attempted trying but gave up due to the fear of not being 'good enough' at it.

This blog is the perfect example of one of my many failed attempts. I went out of my way to have it customized, telling myself it was time to use it to commit but to this day it stays collecting dust. With the occasional post to make me feel like its relevant, like I'm actually trying; even though I know it can't even be deemed as a 'half ass' attempt.

For anyone who reads this, you're probably wondering why I am even here posting this. Today is just another day that ends with y, but as I sat in bed mindlessly bingeing Netflix, instead of studying. The feeling that I am just about nearly a complete failure kicked in. It could have been my depression, my anxiety or that I am a master at beating myself up. Whatever the reason, the feeling was so overwhelming that if my heart could literally break in two it would. 

I am more than just someone who lays around doing nothing with my life. I am a: strong woman, an independent woman, I am a resilient woman, an intelligent woman, a wise woman, a talented woman, a woman who cares about others. These are all facts about myself, facts I and my loved ones know.

There's this friend I have, who inspires me so much, she makes me feel like if I wanted to take over the world I could. She believes in me so hard that it hurts me to disappoint her! She is one of my dearest friends and I don't even talk to her as much as I should but she is always there for me. One conversation with her and my brain, as well as my heart, explode with creativity. Ideas I don't typically talk about or even explore arise. Things I talk myself into thinking are silly and couldn't possibly do, I feel like I can do after talking to her. I still remember telling her about not doing photography because I 'knew' I wouldn't be good at it. To say she was mind blown would be an understatement. She is a photographer, self made at that and damn good at it too! My point is she lives her life in such a care free and selfless way that it inspires me, even scares me a little to think I could live mine the same way. Which is what I want!

There are very few people who make me think, make me want more. Not that it is anyone's job to make me want to live my life to it's full potential and then some. The few people who make me feel like I could fly are the reason I am writing this.

I want to live my life not in a 9-5, pay check to pay check, mediocre way but in a 'I can take over the world if I fucking please' way. I don't want to have any regrets in my life! Not continuing with this blog, I would regret, I already do regret it. I guess I am saying all this because I'm tired of living in fear, fear to fail, fear of not doing more in the world.

Time wasted is gone, there's no getting it back but I refuse to waste anymore time.

- Jess

I am well aware that my writing and grammar need work. Haha.