Bloglovin' on a Sunday


This is going to be a very short post but bare with me, there is much more in store!

Since it is a new year and I'm all about new changes (yes this is the dreaded "new year, new me" broken record), I figured my little space here needed a very much overdue make over!! So I finally took the initiative and asked my favorite blogger, the lovely Kaelah Bee to help me with this change. I could not have asked for a better layout, she definitely made my space feel like my own.

Could not thank her enough!! If you're not already following her I suggest running over to her blog and checking it out!

Also I am now actively using my Bloglovin account so just clink the little link below to check it out.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Hope you all enjoy your much needed Sunday :D

Se you very soon!